tanja bakicDragan Markovina rođen je u Mostaru 6. februara 1981. godine, u kojem je završio osnovnu školu. Nakon toga upisuje opštu gimnaziju u Korčuli koju završava 1999. godine, da bi u iste godine upisao studije Istroije  na Hrvatskim studijima Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, kojeg je završio 2004. diplomiravši na temu "ZAVNOH-temelji i političko djelovanje" kod profesora Nikice Barića. 2005. godine upisao je postdiplomske studijs hrvatske istorije na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu, kojeg završava 2009. obranivši magistarski rad pod naslovom "Šibenska luka u trgovačko-kulturnim razmjenama dviju jadranskih obala na razmeđu 18. i 19. stoljeća". 2011. godine na Filozofskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu obranio je doktorski rad pod naslovom „Dalmacija u mletačkim reformskim projektima 18. stoljeća“. Deset godina radio je na Odsjeku za istoriju Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu i pisao za brojne regionalne časopise i medije. Redovni je kolumnista portala telegram.hr i sarajevskog Oslobođenja. Autor je knjiga Između crvenog i crnog: Split i Mostar u kulturi sjećanja, Tišina poraženog grada, Povijest poraženih, Jugoslavenstvo poslije svega, Doba kontrarevolucije i Usamljena djeca juga. Za prvu knjigu dobio je Nagradu Mirko Kovač. Predsjednik je Nove ljevice i član PEN centra BiH, Fudbalskoga kluba Velež i Radničkoga nogometnoga kluba Split. Živi u Splitu.


Dragan Markovina was born in Mostar on February 6, 1981, where he finished elementary school. After that, he enrolled in the general grammar school in Korčula, which he graduated from in 1999, and in the same year he enrolled in the study of history at the Croatian Studies at the University of Zagreb, graduating in 2004. In 2005 he enrolled in postgraduate studies of Croatian history at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb, which he completed in 2009, defending his master's thesis entitled "Šibenik port in trade and cultural exchanges of the two Adriatic coasts at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries." In 2011 he defended his doctoral dissertation entitled "Dalmatia in Venetian reform projects of the 18th century" at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb. For ten years he worked at the Department of History of the Faculty of Philosophy in Split and wrote for numerous regional magazines and media. He is a regular columnist for the telegram.hr portal and Sarajevo's Oslobodjenje. He is the author of the books Between Red and Black: Split and Mostar in the Culture of Memory, The Silence of the Defeated City, History of the Defeated, Yugoslavism After All, The Age of Counter-Revolution and The Lonely Children of the South. He received the Mirko Kovač Award  for his first book. He is the president of the New Left and a member of the PEN Center of BiH, the Velež Football Club and the Split Workers' Football Club. He lives in Split.

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