tanja bakicJasna Tatar Anđelić 

je vanredna profesorica francuskog jezika i prevođenja na Filološkom fakultetu Univerziteta Crne Gore. Studirala je francuski jezik i književnost na Univerzitetu u Novom Sadu (Srbija) i na Univerzitetu Stendhal u Grenoblu (Francuska). Doktorirala je na Univezitetu u Strasburu (Francuska) iz područja lingvistike i prevođenja. Predaje savremeni francuski jezik, sintaksu i analizu diskursa na Katedri za francuski jezik Filološkog fakulteta Sveučilišta Crne Gore. Bavi se usmenim i pismenim prevođenjem i do danas je jedina prevoditeljka iz Crne Gore akreditovana pri institucijama EU za francuski, italijanski, crnogorski, bosanski, hrvatski i srpski jezik. Bila je ispitivač na međunarodno priznatim ispitima iz francuskog jezika DELF i DALF na Institut français, radila je kao prevoditeljka i saradnica francuskog portala o Balkanu “Le Courrier des Balkans”, te prevodilac Canal France International za RTCG. Prošla je specijalizovanu obuku za konferencijske prevodioce pri Upravi za usmeno prevođenje EK u Briselu te je angažirana za odgovorne poslove usmenog prevođenja od najviših domaćih i međunarodnih instanci.

Bavi se istraživanjima u području sintakse, kontrastivne lingvistike, dijakronijske lingvistike i prevodologije. Učestovala je na mnogim međunarodnim lingvističkim i translatološkim konferencijama, autorica je brojnih radova u međunarodnim časopisima i naučnim monografijama. Godine 2018. objavila je monografiju “Nouvelle revue i Crna Gora” na Fakultetu za crnogorski jezik i književnost i bila gost urednik posebnog frankofonog broja naučnog časopisa “Logos et littera”. Godine 2023. objavila je monografiju “Zaher-Mazohove Slovenske žene - prevodi i komentari” kod istog izdavača.

Profesorica Jasna Tatar Anđelić sudjelovala je u Erasmus + programima mobilnosti nastave ili usavršavanja na univerzitetima u Nici (Francuska), Granadi (Španije), Sarlandu (Njemačka), Turu (Francuska) i Opolama (Poljska). 

Redovna je recenzentica lingvističkog časopisa “Lingua Montenegrina” koji izdaje Institut za crnogorski jezik i književnost, a recenzira i članke za “Logos et littera”, časopis Filološkog fakulteta, kao i “Jezik i kulture u vremenu i prostor” Univerziteta u Novom Sadu - Srbija.

Jasna Tatar Anđelić is Associate Professor of linguistics at the Faculty of Philology, University of Montenegro. She studied French language and literature at the University of Novi Sad (Serbia) where she received a Master II diploma in French linguistics. She was granted a scholarship of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Montenegro and passed an academic year within Stendhal University in Grenoble (France). She received her PhD from the University of Strasbourg (France) in the field of linguistics and translation with the thesis “Constructions infinitives régies par les verbes de perception et les verbes factitifs faire et laisser et leur traduction en serbo-croate (BCMS)”. She teaches Contemporary French, Syntax, Consecutive interpretation and Discourse analysis at the Department of French language and Department of translation within the Faculty of Philology, University of Montenegro. She is active in interpretation and translation and is to date the only interpreter from Montenegro accredited with the EU institutions for French, Italian, Montenegrin, Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian. Prior to her involvement at the University of Montenegro, she worked as the Head of the Sector for International Cooperation of the Union of Independent Trade Unions of Montenegro, she was an examiner for the internationally recognized French language exams DELF and DALF at the Institut français, worked as a translator and contributor to the French portal on the Balkans “Le Courrier des Balkans”, and translator of Canal France International for RTCG. She has undergone specialized training for conference interpreters at Directorate for Interpretation of EC in Brussels and has been hired for responsible interpretation tasks from top national and international instances.

Professor Jasmina Anđelić is involved in research in the fields of syntax, contrastive linguistics, diachronic linguistics and translation studies. She has participated in many international linguistic and translation conferences, has authored numerous papers in international scientific journals and contributed to research monographs. In 2018, she published a monograph “Nouvelle revue i Crna Gora” with the Faculty of Montenegrin language and literature and was guest editor of the special francophone number of “Logos et littera” scientific journal. In 2021 she published another monograph “Slavic women of Sacher-Masoch - transpation and comments” with the the Faculty of Montenegrin language and literature.

She was a member of the Centre for Young Scientists of the Montenegrin Academy of Arts and Sciences, the national association “Matica crnogorska”, the Association of Conference Translators of Montenegro “AMIC”, the French Association of Doctors of Science ANRT, the “Societas linguistica europea”, the commission of the Ministry of Justice of Montenegro for the appointment of court interpreters for French language, as well as the administrative board of the Montenegrin association of legal interpreters and translators. Professor Jasmina Anđelić participated in Erasmus + teaching or training mobility programmes at the universities of Nice (France), Granada (Spain), Saarland (Germany), Tours (France) and Opole (Poland). She has contributed to current Erasmus + mobility grant programme between University of Montenegro and University of Ljubljana.

Professor Jasmina Anđelić has been mentor in an number of Master I thesis in linguistic and traductology at the university of Montenegro, she is conducting several Master II research work and is member of Monitoring comity for a PhD at the LiLPa laboratory of University of Strasbourg. She is regular reviewer of the linguistic journal “Lingua Montenegrina” published by the Institute of Montenegrin language et literarure and she has also reviewed articles for “Logos et littera”, journal of Faculty of philology, as well as “Language and cultures in time and space” of the University of Novi Sad - Serbia.

She organised a conference on Cultural, liniguistic et literary relations between France et Montenegro within Montenegrin academy of science et arts and was member of scientific comitee of the Second francophone conference at the Faculty of Philology in Nikšić “La mémoire et ses enjeux. Balkans – France : regards croisés”.


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