tanja bakic

Damir Šodan (1964), pjesnik, dramski pisac, urednik i prevoditelj rođen je u Splitu, Hrvatska. Diplomirao je engleski jezik i opću povijest na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Objavio je sedam pjesničkih zbirki, Glasovne promjene (1996), Srednji svijet (2001), Pisma divljem Skitu (2009), Café Apollinaire (2013), Unutarnji neprijatelj (2018), Gavran, Buddha, Yamaha (2021) i Život s maskom (2022), tri knjige izabranih dramskih tekstova, Zaštićena zona (2002), Noć dugih svjetala (2009) i Hrvatski Don Juan (2023, u tisku), antologiju suvremene hrvatske “stvarnosne” poezije Drugom stranom (2010), te antologiju suvremene europske poezije Ima li pjesnika u Monte Carlu (2023). Za dramu Zaštićena zona nagrađen je prvom nagradom za ex-Yu dramatičare u Beču (2000), a za burlesku Chick lit nagradom hrvatskog glumišta Marin Držić (2012). Na međunarodnoj sceni zastupljen je u The American Poetry Review (2007), američkoj antologiji New European Poets (Graywolf Press, 2008), francuskoj Les Poètes de la Méditerranée (Gallimard, 2010) i britanskim antologijama The World Record i A Hundred Years' War (Bloodaxe, 2012 i 2014). U prijevodu je predstavio mnoge sjevernoameričke pjesnike kao što su Charles Simic, Raymond Carver, Leonard Cohen, Charles Bukowski, Richard Brautigan, Frank O'Hara, Ron Padgett i dr. Dvadesetak godina radio je kao prevoditelj za Ujedinjene narode u Nizozemskoj, a sad je slobodni književnik i književni prevoditelj. Jedan je od urednika časopisa Poezija (Zagreb) i član HDP-a i Hrvatskog centra PEN-a. Živi u Den Haagu, Nizozemska i u Splitu, Hrvatska.  

Damir Šodan (1964) poet, playwright, editor and translator was born in Split, Croatia. He graduated from the Zagreb University with a BA in English Literature and History. He has published seven collections of poetry, Sound Changes (1996), The Middle World (2001), Letters to a Wild Scythian, (2009), Café Apollinaire (2013), The Enemy Within (2018), Raven, Buddha, Yamaha (2021) and Living with a Mask (2022), three books of plays, Safe Area (2002), The Night of the Long Beams (2009) and Croatian Don Juan (2023, in print), an anthology of contemporary Croatian “neorealist” poetry, Walk on the Other Side (2010) as well as Is There a Poet in Monte Carlo, an anthology of European poetry (2022). He was awarded the 1st prize at the playwriting competition for ex-Yugoslav writers in Vienna (2000) for the dark comedy Safe Area and the Držić Prize for the burlesque Chick Lit (2012). Internationally, his work has been among other featured in The American Poetry Review (2007), New European Poets, (Graywolf Press, USA, 2008), Les Poètes de la Méditerranée (Gallimard, 2010), The World Record and A Hundred Years' War (Bloodaxe, 2012 and 2014). He translated the works of Charles Simic, Raymond Carver, Leonard Cohen, Charles Bukowski, Richard Brautigan, Frank O'Hara, Ron Padgett and many other North American poets into Croatian. For over two decades he worked as a translator for the United Nations in Netherlands, and now he is a free-lance writer and literary translator. He is an associate editor of Poezija magazine in Zagreb and a member of the Croatian Writers' Association (HDP) and the Croatian P.E.N. Centre. He lives in The Hague, Netherlands and Split, Croatia.  

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